1:32 PM
its official!
i am dating you guys on halloween and thanks giving day.
maybe channel 5 would show the same old halloween movie, "the nightmare on elm street" for the 19250 time. god! so i want to go CHILL out! are you guys 18 yet? maybe we could go drinking. haha who knows?

I DONT CARE! you guys better make it free. I hope i am free too!
jzee, have you added seattle yet? and i cant wait to go on a holiday! whooooot.
maybe this december i would be going somewhere really far, maybe europe or korea/japan.
haha. all expenses paid, why? because its a family trip!
I have said this before on the brolly blog. we should have like a time capsule thing. where we store something in one metal box and bury them, maybe 10 years later, we will dig it out. cool yeah? we should!!!! we should do it on halloween.