12:36 PM
i cant stand this. i know its weird but one of my favourite part about writing an entry is thinking of a title and i cant do it now!!!!!
ill be back on sunday and maybe by monday ill post a whole bunch of pics of europe. sorry shou. i didt take pics of any hot guys. mwhahaha.
and i know you pple want to save money and eveything but lets not go to lousy one or two star hotels/motels like that *shiver* taman negarah one. with the dried blood on the bathroom floor and the lizards all over. youth hotels are fine but clean ones are impt okay charmaine?
and simone doesnt even come online la. and the likelihood of her coming on a trip with us, not sponsered by helmet is very low. unless we walk to Jb or something.
so cool. im like the official blog-namer! haha! i named the yellow umbrella and the-orient-travels =D
hey you know i was thinking, we should each learn a language so it will be easier for us when we go to some place where no one speaks english. we dont have to be very fluent, just know the basics. like "where are we?", "how to get to the lourve?" and "i think you are hot" for shou.