8:32 PM
OK! Has the blogger disabled the title part for the entry, cause i cant seem to type in any TITLE for the entry.
ANYWAY!! OMG JZEE!!! u are finally online!!! I miss you sooo much. AND earlier you told me you were coming back on the 10th! WHY NOW CHANGE TO 15th! no time to go out. sigh...
I have training on tuesday and thursdays. anyway, ok i tell you my schedule ok???
Monday i end at 4pm.
Tues - not free, have IMF dinner
Wed - 5pm (like what the hell, i think she should push it to the morning, i only have lect at 3!!!!!)
Thurs - training. not free
Friday - 1pm
I guess only friday now. SIGH!!!
*strums the guitar* When are we going to continue guitar????