2:07 PM
i think i'm not updating as often, so i shall be random today n blog a patriotic entry:
5 reasons why I LOVE SINGAPORE:
1. cos my government takes a "no double-standard" stance
s2006 the organising com did not allow outdoor protests to anybody n everybody involved in the event, why?..how can they allow outsiders to have outdoor protests, while it's illegal for singaporeans to have one?...fair right, i love it =D
2. cos my country has lots of GOOD FOOD!!!
adam road: prawn mee (though i've never tried it before, cos e queue is always so long), thomson road: roti prata...n many many more
3. cos we live in a multi-racial society, we can have friends of many races n live in peace, yay!!
4. cos SINGAPORE is located in such a strategic location...we can reach anywhere within Asia within 6 hours if we take a plane (ok, except Russia)
5. cos i get e chance to be effectively bilingual..hmm, i still need a lot more time to work on improving my english n chinese
6. (one extra one, just for shou)..cos there r gradually more expatriates coming into s'pore, which is good, cos it means more ang mohs to look at & drool from afar