12:43 AM
my friend is going on a backpacking trip to aust ALONE next mth! im so freaking jealous! pls tell me our trip be more than just talk can!!
ive seen the muay thai site and im alright with it. although maybe we should call and be certain that they teach girls. i dont mind learning tennis too. i had lessons in primary sch but i think i spent more time picking up stupid balls than actually playing the game. hm maybe we should invent some machine that will bring all the balls together or something =P
i dont think cycling 15km on a flat ground would be impossible to finish really. it sounds alot but we are on a bicycle so its really much faster than walking/running/skating. what im really worried abt is after awhile it might be kinda boring. its not as though we can have more of our insightful conversations while on a bike right? its up to you all really.