4:54 AM
its snowing here and although i think i said ill send snow back to you, im having second thoughts. a bit disgusting ah..
i have a tutorial tmr and i have abt 150 pages, 5 cases and a few chaps from a law journal to read but im still here blogging. see how nice i am? =D pple here are insanely hardworking. think [(chongy x 10) - all the anxiety + alcohol]. sadly, im not insanely hardworking. im wayy behind everyone else... i havent even gotten through week 1 s readings! sigh..
its so super cold here..last night was the lowest so far with minus 4. everyone are wearing like 5 layers of clothes but me? im just wearing a t-shirt and jacket. why this insanity? cause im lazy! hahaaa.. one day if you heard that i died of hypothermia, you know why.
there are quite a few singaporeans (from jc.. TSK! im disappointed.) here. but strangely i dont really hang out with any of them. its very odd but most of my close friends are americans. but i have a jap friend who has never read HANA YORI DANGO before. LIKE OMGG!!! i immediately passed her all the dvds to watch and now she loves it! yay!
oh yeah and you know how they have those erm.. "companion adverts" on yidao (the chinese version of youtube) with those girls doing those ridiculously insipid "kawaii" poses? i was watching some movie with this italian guy and when the advert popped out, he was like, "why do those girls look so fucked up?!" i dont know why but i found it so incredibly hilarious.
ok i have to read my 150 pages now. see you guys in a mth!
p.s: i hope you guys are saving money cause you are all supposed to visit me soon!