2:00 AM
ok so there has been comments that its really difficult to get me presents so to help you all, ive came up with a list of things i want. there is really no pressure to get me anything cause i know some of you who will be too stressed up abt sch to care abt anything else. and anyway, its not like i usually get presents so its totally and completedly ok!
in no order of preference:
1) wallet -> prefably with no cartoons and not from the wallet shop (lousy quality) or OP etc.
2) laptop bag from crumpler
3) nike sports socks
4) water bottle -> pls not those "sucking" kind.
5) see through transparent white umbrella -> not those $2 ones from diaso cause my friend bought it and it broke after a two uses. something like (but less ex): http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp;jsessionid=5A87FCE32C4D2BC77523437A11EEDA8E.app11-node1?itemdescription=true&itemCount=10&id=14240824&parentid=W_ACC_BAGS_LUGGAGE&sortProperties=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=693&navAction=poppushpushpush&color=
6) twister board game
7) black low rise plain canvas converse shoes (us womens size 9)
8) jane eyre by charlotte bronte (the vintage classic edition! the paperback with the red door on the cover)