12:02 AM
okay so we (as in simone & eh.. the newly renamed SHOU CHONG), came up with a list of things to do before dadas 21st birthday:
1) learn to scuba dive
2) learn a new language
3) eh.. enter a club
4) run a marathon!
5) re/learn a musical instrument
6) do some volunteer work (rotating does not count)
7) bungee jump
8) backpack to somewhere (outside SE asia)
9) climb a mountain ( a small one and NOT mt ophia. we'd probably encounter a million ncc pple along the way)
10) swim with dolphins
11) go for a singing/acting audition
12) reach ideal weight
13) go vegetarian for one month (seafood allowed la)
14) crash each others sch for one day
15) undergo a total style change for one day (e.g. simone is going hip hop)
16) learn to drive a car/motorcyle
now its up to dada and charmaine to think up the other 5 things we should do!