2:35 AM
i have come to give you hope...that our blog is still ALIVE!!!
n another thing, i post often ok?...(i mean compared to zee, i post more than her, don't believe?..count the no. of posts that i posted n she posted..n you'll see the huge difference in no)
can't wait for exams to be over!
i came to poly hoping to become business n work-smart,
but every exam i don't feel that way
every exam i feel like i'm running for this "see who memorises the best" contest
most of the time i don't see the point in studying so hard
when you start working 100% of whatever you've memorised will be forgotten anyway
ask us what we mugged for O's, n we'll just give you a blank look or either that another reply "huh did i study for O's?"
but because so many companies out there feel that graduates with many distinctions r THE ONES to employ, that's one reason why i'm obliged to study n try my best to get A's n make sure i am able to get a job in future....isn't that so sad? that's mugging to satisfy society's expectations of you
mugging without purpose is meaningless